Category: Refrigerated Vehicles | Comments Off on Electric Refrigerated Vans: Offering Access to Healthy Foods in Urban Neighborhoods
Posted by Rachel Perkins | September 26, 2019 | Tags: city, urban, refrigeration, fresh, produce, perishable, goods, groceries, refer van, refrigerated van, temperature controlled, low income, Food Safety Modernization Act, green, environmentally friendly, cargo, FDA, FSMA, food delivery, access, healthy food, food deserts, sustainable, eco-friendly, electric, delivery vehicle, temperature sensitive, nutrition
Photo: foodiesfeed / Freepik Lack of access to fresh foods, in areas called food deserts, is not a new problem, but it’s also not getting much better. In 2010, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) identified more than 18 million people living in food deserts. Of those, only 1.4 million got access to a new supermarket…