Tag: temperature controlled

80% of people want to receive their orders on the same day they order them. Statistics like this highlight the pressures on delivery services these days. Simply put, people don’t want to wait! But it’s no good having a speedy delivery if the items that arrive have spoiled, rotted, or wilted in the stifling heat of…

When you’re in the meat business, keeping customers happy is important. You may have a few orders memorized from customers you see at least once a week. It may not be unusual for you to make a few calls when you have some choice cuts of meat. But if you really want to bring your butcher…

Brrr, it’s cold in here! And we’re not talking about the weather. The Refrigerated Transport Market is expected to reach 3.25 billion tons by 2022. Businesses around the world rely on temperature controlled storage when shipping their goods. In some cases, it even comes down to a legal obligation. Bakeries, florists, grocery stores and pharmaceutical companies require climate…

Keeping precious goods cold has been a challenge for many a lifetime. Often times, once a product is cooled or frozen to the desired temperature, it must stay at that temperature. It’s a wonder anything ever got delivered cold in the early days of chilled delivery. Ice melts, and styrofoam can only keep things cold inside for so…

Theme parks are using technology more and more to help patrons maximize their visit. A few years ago, they introduced mobile food apps, which visitors can use to order food ahead. The next big thing in amusement parks will be food delivery services. Like the expanding trend of worker robots, delivery services within parks will soon become commonplace. Visitors will be…