Tag: business plan

The average cost of opening a brick-and-mortar restaurant is $275,000. If you’re an aspiring restaurateur, you’ve likely looked into your options, like buying a food truck. Sounds simple, right? Here are 5 things you should know before you start your food truck adventure! 1. The Cost of Starting up  The costs of starting a food truck business…

One side effect of the disruption we’ve all experienced through the last year has been the extra time people have had to think about how they want to spend their lives. If you’re considering quitting your current gig and starting out on something new, you certainly aren’t alone. Perhaps you are curious about how to start a delivery…

Looking for ways to maximize your revenue at your current business? If you are in the food or beverage industry, this is one aspect you don’t want your business to miss out on! Food truck catering provides significant opportunities to broaden your horizons while adding additional means of revenue. Read on to find out how you…

There are thousands of food trucks in America doing roughly $2.7 billion worth of business per year. Food trucks have become a growing fad, often found on busy street corners, at special events, and more. Wondering whether it’s too late to join in and open a food truck? We can safely say that’s not the case! First-time…

Did you know that 19% of Americans have reported eating more junk food than they should? We live in a world driven by convenience, so it’s no surprise that Americans turn to fast food and junk food for meals. However, food trucks give diners the option of a fast, well-cooked meal. Starting a food truck can be…