Tag: Food Truck

The average cost of opening a brick-and-mortar restaurant is $275,000. If you’re an aspiring restaurateur, you’ve likely looked into your options, like buying a food truck. Sounds simple, right? Here are 5 things you should know before you start your food truck adventure! 1. The Cost of Starting up  The costs of starting a food truck business…

It’s estimated that 2.5 billion people around the globe purchase food from a food truck or kiosk every day! Despite a large market, there’s still ample room for new food truck owners to join the industry.  There’s been a recent discovery in the mobile food field that benefits food truck owners and event coordinators alike. Food trucks are the best…

According to Food Truck Nation, the food truck industry has a total market value of over 2 billion dollars. If you want to break into this growing market you are going to need to be a savvy entrepreneur and a major foodie. If you got what it takes to run a food truck or team of…

Food trucks tend to have a bad rep when it comes to food safety. Any business that works in food service needs to be vigilant and follow proper protocols. When you own a mobile restaurant business, the safety and health of your employees and your customers should be a top priority. Keep reading to learn the best…

There are over 24,000 active food truck businesses in the U.S. Whether you’re starting out or have been delivering food on the go for years, maintaining your truck is extremely important.  But what goes into regular food truck maintenance? And why is it so important? That’s what we’ll be looking at today. In this article, we’re highlighting…